SHTRYGOL SergiiSergii SHTRYGOL (August 14, 1963, Poltava) – doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the department of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy, honored professor of the National University of Pharmacy.


Google Scholar, h-index = 15

Scopus, h-index = 8

Web of Science, h-index = 4

In 1986, he graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Ivanovo State Medical Institute, in 1987 – an internship in therapy, and in the same year he entered postgraduate studies at the department of pharmacology. In 1990, he defended his candidate’s thesis “Comparative study of the anti-edematous activity of a new salt substitute mixture in experimental circulatory failure” in the specialty 14.00.25 – pharmacology (scientific supervisor – Doctor of Medicine, Professor L.L. Branchevskyi). At the department of pharmacology of the Ivanovo State Medical Institute (since 1994 – the academy), he went from a graduate student to the head (1996-2002). At that time, he worked as the deputy dean of the pediatric faculty, then as the dean of the faculty of additional professional education.

He defended his doctoral thesis in the specialty 14.00.25 – pharmacology “Study of the modulation of pharmacological effects under different salt regimes” (scientific consultant – Professor L.L. Branchevsky) in 2000, in the same year he was awarded the academic title of professor.

Since 2002, after moving to Kharkiv, he has been working at the National University of Pharmacy as a professor of the Department of Pharmacology, professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology, drug technology and clinical pharmacology with pharmaceutical care, head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Phytotherapy of the Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists (while working in this position he worked as the dean of the newly created faculty of postgraduate education), and since 2011 – the head of the department of pharmacology (from 2020 – pharmacology and pharmacotherapy).

In 2006, he recertified his doctoral thesis in Ukraine (DU “Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”) with the specialty 14.03.05 – pharmacology, in 2007 he received the scientific title of professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Phytotherapy.

Main areas of scientific research: pharmacology of kidneys, water-salt metabolism, uric acid metabolism, diabetes, liver, central nervous system, systemic and cerebral circulation, cold and heat injury.

Has more than 1,000 scientific and educational-methodical publications (5 monographs, more than 450 journal articles, of which more than 50 are in publications indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, more than 300 abstracts of reports, more than 100 author certificates and patents for inventions and a useful model, 5 methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 23 information sheets, 40 educational and methodological works, including 3 textbooks). He successfully represented Ukraine at scientific forums in the USA, the Czech Republic, Georgia, and Poland.

S.Yu. Shtrygol’s scientific school: 5 doctors and 21 candidates of sciences were trained. S.Yu. Shtrygol is a  supervisor  of two studies of graduate students. He  takes an active part in the attestation of highly qualified scientific personnel (worked in the Specialized Scientific Council D 64.605.03 at the National University of Pharmacy), as opponent and chairman of a number of one-time specialized scientific councils for awarding the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy, member of the Expert Problem Commission of the National University of Pharmacy.

He started an original direction in pharmacology – the study of the influence of the salt composition of the diet on the effectiveness of drugs of various groups, which is important for increasing the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. He proposed the composition of the table salt substitute “Nedosol”, which contains potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium salts, is intended to increase the effectiveness of the treatment of arterial hypertension and edema syndrome (produced by “LEDA”, Kharkiv). For the first time, he showed that the consumption of a table salt substitute, in contrast to the high-sodium diet typical in modern conditions, reduces the sensitivity and reactivity of alpha-adrenergic systems, increases the effectiveness of diuretics and vasodilator drugs, reduces the atherogenic shift of lipid metabolism, improves cerebral blood circulation, hemorheological parameters and glucose tolerance, increases the effectiveness of anti-diabetic drugs, has a pronounced anti-edematous effect in case of insufficient blood circulation (its research was facilitated by the author’s original model of severe edema syndrome). These results are summarized in the monograph “Modulation of pharmacological effects under different salt regimens” (2008).

​In the field of pharmacology of purine metabolism S.Yu. Shtrygol and his students (Doctor of Pharmacy O.V. Tovchyga, PhD O.O. Koiro) discovered a distinct hypouricemic and uricosuric effect of goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria L.) preparations. It is shown that certain preparations of this plant have a nephro- and hepatoprotective effect, significantly improve the course of experimental diabetes. The mechanisms of these effects were investigated, and the substances involved in them were identified. The results of these studies were included in the monograph “Medicinal plants, kidneys and uric acid metabolism” (2014). In addition, as part of the activities of the “Complete Nutrition” cluster, which unites NUPh, the Kharkiv State University of Nutrition and Trade, the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, under the leadership of S.Yu. Strygol found positive metabolic effects of confectionery products containing goutweed, a number of other special food products.

In the field of neuropharmacology, S.Yu. Shtrygol successfully conducts research on potential anticonvulsants – original triazole and pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidin-4-one derivatives, herbal preparations (together with Prof. V.A. Georgiants, Doctor of Pharm. G.I. Severina), derivatives of thiazolidinone and thiopyrano[2,3-d]thiazole (together with Prof. R.B. Lesyk), the possibility of using non-antiepileptic drugs for convulsions (scientific school – Ph.D. of Pharm. V.V. Tsivunin, Ph.D. DP Kavrayskyi, assistant professor MV Mishchenko, assistant professor E.M. Davydov, etc.). These works were highly appreciated by the scientific community (more than 15 articles have been published on these issues in recent years in publications indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science). One of the most promising compounds (1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-5-{2-[4-(4-methoxy-phenyl)piperazin-1-yl]-2-oxoethyl}-1,5-dihydro-4H-pyrazolo [3,4-d]pyridin-4-one) is currently being studied as an active pharmaceutical ingredient of a new anticonvulsant drug, which is included in the scientific development plan of Pharmak for 2019-2022. He is the scientific director of the fundamental research “Justification of the improvement of the treatment of polypharmacoresistant epilepsy through the combined use of classical anticonvulsants with other drugs” (2020-2022), which is being carried out at the expense of the state budget (order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated November 17, 2020 No. 265), in which he substantiated the feasibility of using the cardiac glycoside digoxin in subcardiotonic doses as an adjuvant, revealed its most effective combinations with classic antiepileptic drugs, features of the mechanism of action.

A significant contribution has been made to the pharmacology of antidepressants, anxiolytics, nootropic drugs, cerebroprotectors (including peptidergic), antihypoxants, and anticytokine drugs (representatives of the school are Doctor of Pharmacy I.M. Podolskyi, Doctor of Pharmacy N. A. Tsubanova, Doctor of Pharmacy K. Schokina, etc.).

S.Yu. Shtrygol and his scientific school (Doctor of Pharmacy E.V. Bondarev, PhD student A.M. Yukhymchuk, etc.) made a significant contribution to solving the problem of pharmacology of cold injury. Sex-depended differences in cold resistance were established. It was found that glucosamine hydrochloride has distinct cold-protective properties in acute general cooling and frostbite. The composition of the drug “Glyutsinkovit” has been developed for the prevention of cold injury (manufactured by “LEDA”, Kharkiv). Batches of this drug were transferred to the National Guard of Ukraine in the winter of 2020/21, and after the start of the full-scale aggression of russia, “Glyutsinkovit” was repeatedly transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. S.Yu. Shtrygol is the scientific director of the fundamental research “Experimental substantiation of increasing the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of cold injury” (2021-2023), which is being carried out at the expense of the state budget of Ukraine in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 265 of November 17, 2020. The most effective frigoprotective preparations from among blockers of the arachidonic acid cascade, and for the first time it was proved that non-selective COX inhibitors (in particular, diclofenac sodium) as frigoprotectors have an advantage over selective ones. Priority data on the frigoprotective properties of the CysLT1-leukotriene receptor blocker montelukast were also obtained.

Since 2024, he has been the head of the fundamental research “Experimental substantiation of the choice of a thermoprotective drug for the prevention and treatment of acute thermal injury” (2024-2026).

S.Yu. Shtrygol proposed the composition of the original amino acid hepatoprotective drug, which will be produced from 2020 by “LEDA”, Kharkiv, and the original contact hemostatic “Plantor”, which will be produced for the Armed Forces of Ukraine from May 2022 (“LekoPro”, Dnipro) .

From 2013 to 2015, S.Yu. Shtrygol worked as the head of the Central Research Laboratory of NUPh. He organized fruitful cooperation with many pharmaceutical companies of Ukraine and foreign countries, carrying out preclinical studies of a significant number of medicinal products. In recent years, he provided leadership of 27 preclinical studies of medicinal products ordered by pharmaceutical enterprises for a total amount of over 4 million UAH.

Improvement of methodological principles of pharmacological research is constantly in the center of attention of S.Yu. Shtrygol. There are some methodological recommendations issued on his initiative and with his participation, in particular, summarized methodical approaches to the study of nephroprotective agents (2009), for the first time proposed a set of methods for studying drugs with a frigoprotective effect (2018), the addictive potential of drugs and chemicals (2019).

S.Yu. Shtrygol successfully manages the work of the students  scientific society of the department, which in 2021 was recognized as the best in the National University of Pharmacy. He regularly organizes meetings of the pharmacological section at the conference of young scientists and students of the National University of Pharmacy. He also pays great attention to the preparation of students to participate in the All-Ukrainian pharmacology Olympiads, in which they have repeatedly won.

On the initiative of S.Yu. Shtrygol, for 3 years (2017-2019), the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Pharmacology was held at National University of Pharmacy, in which the pharmaceutical and medical sections were separated for the first time in accordance with the direction of education of higher education students. From 2020 (during the COVID-19 epidemic and russian aggression),  every year prof. Shtrygol organizes the online pharmacology Olympiad of the National University of Pharmacy.

For a long time, the department of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy under the leadership of S.Yu. Shtrygol actively worked as a support department in the system of higher pharmaceutical education of Ukraine in the disciplines “pharmacology” and “manipulation technique”.

S.Yu. Shtrygol is the head of the group of experts in pharmacology (field of training – pharmacy) in the Expert Examination Committee of KROC-1 licensing exams. As a certified specialist he participates in the creation and examination of test tasks (Author+ platform).

He is a member of the board of the Association of Pharmacologists of Ukraine, head of its regional branch in the Kharkiv, Sumy, and Chernihiv regions. Also he is a member of the International Association of Pharmacologists (IUPHAR), Ukrainian Scientific Society of Pathophysiologists, Association of Preventive and Antiaging Medicine.

Prof. S.Yu. Shtrygol is a member of the editorial board and author of more than 40 articles of the “Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia”. As a member of the editorial boards and boards of specialized publications (“Pharmacology and Medicinal Toxicology”, “Pharmaceutical Journal”, “Herald of Pharmacy”) and as a reviewer of a number of other specialized publications, he pays great attention to improving the quality of scientific publications.

S.Yu. Shtrygol was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2011), the Certificate of Appreciation of the Head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2018), the Certificate of Honor of the Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine (2019), the Certificate of Honor of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2020), the Certificate of Honor of the Kharkiv City Council (2023), the Certificate of Appreciation of the National University of Pharmacy for assistance in the implementation of an international charity project to provide the Ukrainian military with the hemostatic agent “Plantor” and the frigiprotective agent “Glyutsinkovit” (2023), the Certificate of Honor of the National University of Pharmacy for many years of conscientious work, a significant personal contribution to the training of pharmacy specialists of Ukraine, dedication to the cause, active position in life and on the occasion of the 60-year anniversary (2023), Gratitude of the National University of Pharmacy for the high level of civic consciousness, the development of national and patriotic values and a significant contribution to the volunteer movement for the support of the Ukrainian people (2023).

S.Yu. Shtrygol has the title of “Honored Professor of the National University of Pharmacy ” (2015).

He was awarded a certificate from the editors of Scientia Pharmaceutica (Switzerland) for the most cited article of 2020 “Thiazole-Bearing 4-Thiazolidinones as New Anticonvulsant Agents”.

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