KUTSENKO Tetyana Olexandrivna

KUTSENKO Tetyana OlexandrivnaKUTSENKO Tetyana Olexandrivna (07.03.1976, Kharkiv) – Doctor of Phylosophy in Pharmacology, Associate professor of pharmacology  and pharmacotherapy department of National University of Pharmacy.

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Kutsenko T.A. graduated from Ukrainian Academy of Pharmacy (1998) with distinction, also internship and magistership (1999) with distinction, postgraduate school (1999-2003) in pharmacology. In 2003 she graduated from special course of  English “Interlingua” in V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and qualified for teaching of pharmaceutical subjects in english.

Kutsenko T.A. works in National University of Pharmacy since 1998 as senior laboratory assistant (1998-2000), assistant (2001-2004), associate professor (since 2005) of the pharmacology department.

At the department Kutsenko T.A. served as a responsible person for Students’ scientific society, a public cashier, a member of jury and responsible person for organization of All-Ukrainian contests in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, a director of teaching for part-time studying students, a member of trade union of NPhaU, a responsible person for academic course of pharmacology and toxicology for english-speaking students. Currently she is an assistant of director of teaching in pharmacology department and a member of University admissions office.

Educational work. Kutsenko T.A. does lecturing and gives both practical and seminar classes on pharmacology; co-author of textbook, reference books, different study guides and manuals for self-instruction, out-of-class and in-class activity of students in pharmacology, including the same issiues in english.

Research work is searching and creation of new anti-ulcer medicines of plant and synthetic origin. In 2004 she defended the thesis: “The pharmacological investigation of anti-ulcer effect of superoxide dismuthase” in the speciality 14.03.05 – pharmacology (scientific superviser: prof. Drogovoz S.M.) for degree of PhD. Kutsenko T.A. is a co-developer of medicine “RecSOD”. Kutsenko T.A. supervised 2 PhD (both foreign and national) in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

She is an authour and co-authour of more than 170 scientific and educational printing works, including textbook in pharmacology, different study guides and manuals, articles for “Pharmaceutical encyclopedia”, patents for inventions, newsletters, scientific methodical recommendations, articles and abstracts.

Social activities. Kutsenko T.A. is a member of the International Association of Pharmacologists and the Association of Pharmacologists of Ukraine. She is awarded an honorary certificate and letters of award of NPhaU, N.O. Valyashko educational scholarship of Kharkiv regional state administration.

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